7. What are you doing?

Objective: to understand when people talk about activities being performed at that very moment.

Richard is travelling to school with his son Michael.

Richard: Look at the children, Michael. What are they doing?
Michael: They're playing football, Daddy. The boys are kicking the ball and the girls are watching them play.
Richard: And what about the older boys over there? What are they doing?
Michael: They're walking the dog and talking on their mobile phones. Dad, can I have a mobile phone?
Richard: Er… Ask your mother, Michael. And what is that old lady doing?
Michael: She's waiting for a bus.
Richard: And what are we doing?
Michael: We're driving to school.

To study difference between I go and I am going (simple present and present  progressive /continuous) check out these links:





Listening exercise

Please listen to the video and answer some questions in a comment.

1. What do Mark and Betty do?      
2. What is Mark’s last name?        
3. What are Mark and Betty doing?      
4. Who is George?      
5. How long is George staying?        
6. When is George coming?          
7. What is Mark doing for George and why?        
8. Why is Mark wearing a tie?        
9. Why is Mark cooking vegetables?            
10. How long is George finally staying?    

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